Collaboration Is Key

A look at why collaboration is so important.


Since the beginning, one of the core tenets of BlinkBid has always been to offer a product with smooth and easy collaboration. This came from a few critical industry observations; mainly that producers want synergy when conjuring bids, but get thwarted by inefficient collaborative methods: waiting-to-be-returned emails, multiple thread text messages, and endless phone call loops.

Like a writing room for a TV show, the environment aids the thought process. For BlinkBid users, the job sharing environment invites you to focus on bidding within a specifically bid-oriented modality.

Common ground is good ground. Allowing collaborators to access a shared BlinkBid job within one platform means input is direct, centralized and organized. Nothing needs to be re-entered in different platforms, and you can build off the work that comes before.

Also, convenience is king. Not all collaborators are focused on the same job at the same time. A shared job allows everyone involved to enter their input in real time, whenever’s convenient for them.

These key factors lead to tighter bids done faster. Of all the wonderful features BlinkBid offers, the powerful job sharing feature earns us the most accolades—mostly from veteran producers who find less mistakes, fewer miscommunications, and more time for other tasks.




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